Are you ready to experience the transformative power of healing in community?

We’re ready for you.

The Vortex

An alternative wellness studio with a multi-modality approach to whole person thriving.

Here at The Vortex, we honor inclusivity, diversity and integrity. Our practitioners embody the teachings they offer, to create safe, transformational space for you to go on an inner deep dive and return home to the truth of yourself. We believe that each person is their greatest healer and that when we come together in community, we amplify the journey of whole person health and wellness.

We invite you to place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and read through our unique offerings to feel where you are called to join us.

Our Offerings

  • Sound Therapy

  • Ritual & Ceremonies

  • Community Events

  • Gathering Space

We are answering the call

To serve the collective by creating a safe and supportive space for you to explore your healing, whether you are just beginning your journey or have spent many years in this lifelong quest of


We believe that all healing modalities should be accessible, celebrated, and in the transformative power of connection with like-minded souls.

Come exactly as you are.

“We don't heal in isolation, but in community”